Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year, New Blog

Since my web site never really worked (it was a do-it-yourself project with Microsoft Publisher, a disappointing program that only allowed viewing by people using Internet Explorer), I'm converting my Orange County Nature Writing journey into blog format.

My hope for this blog: to raise awareness of the natural beauty and value of our local wild lands.

During my training as a volunteer naturalist, we learned about what it means to be a good docent: it's all about interpretation. I give you a multi-syllabic definition from the National Association of Interpretation web site: "Interpretation is a mission-based communication process that forges emotional and intellectual connections between the interests of the audience and the meanings inherent in the resource."

In other words: I want to let folks know how amazing our Orange County wild lands are, and I hope, as people experience these places for themselves, they will feel a connection and want to preserve them . . . ( . . . whatever "preserve" means . . . as with all environmental issues, it's complicated. Complicated, but definitely worth the discussion.)

As 2010 launches us into a new year of opportunity, I'm also hoping that this blog will help give momentum to the Orange County nature writing anthology that I plan to work on this year.

Do you have a story to tell (in poetry or prose) about your experiences in Orange County's wild lands? (loosely defined as containing at least one native plant, critter, or rock)?

Write away!